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What is the meaning of Alor Tanapi?
In this post, we are pleased to share with you some interesting history of Alor and the origin and choice of the name "Alor Tanapi" for our dive resort. We often get asked "What is the meaning of Alor Tanapi?" There are several meanings behind "Tanapi", through this...

Muck Diving in Alor
One of the reasons we decided to settle in Alor of all places in Indonesia was that it offered the best of both diving worlds, beautiful reefs and critters in the muck. Kalabahi bay is gaining in popularity following the surge in underwater macro photography. To the...

Top 10 tips for eco-travelling
We share with you our top 10 tips for eco-travelling, some of these are especially important when travelling to remote islands such as Alor, since they are not equipped to deal with proper garbage disposal. We appreciate your help in preserving the environment. 10...